Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Holy Crap!
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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by Gawdzilla Sama » Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:24 pm

The Mad Hatter wrote:I've had two 'tarot' readings in my life, neither were remotely accurate.

Either that or I have died twice already, in which case you're all fucked muhahahah!
A lady friend had me drive her to a Tarot reader in San Diego one time. We were just friends, but very close. She was nervous as all hell about the reading and I held her hand while she was waiting to go in. The reader must have spotted this because she came out with all kinds of things implying we were lovers. (The lady was, and still is, married to one of my best friends, who was at sea at the time.) She came out of there steaming mad and never went to another one. She still laughs at that when it comes up.
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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by Trolldor » Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:31 pm

Deersbee wrote:
The Mad Hatter wrote:I've had two 'tarot' readings in my life, neither were remotely accurate.

Either that or I have died twice already, in which case you're all fucked muhahahah!
Unless you "died" symbolically and started over as a reformed a new person, this is what death symbolizes in Tarot.
Tarot is a system of symbols that can be used to help put a bridge between subconscious and conscious knowledge and for meditation because you always know more than you know; it is for personal consumption actually, not for predictions and charlatanie.
Seems extraordinarily generic to me.

"Dying doesn't mean death, it means a change in your personality"

Reeks of "Buy this fortune cookie!"
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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by DRSB » Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:10 pm

Tarot IS generic and symbolic.

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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by Gawdzilla Sama » Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:14 pm

Deersbee wrote:Tarot IS generic and symbolic.
All same-same horrorscope, dear lady.
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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by Coito ergo sum » Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:03 pm

Deersbee wrote:
The Mad Hatter wrote:I've had two 'tarot' readings in my life, neither were remotely accurate.

Either that or I have died twice already, in which case you're all fucked muhahahah!
Unless you "died" symbolically and started over as a reformed a new person, this is what death symbolizes in Tarot.
Tarot is a system of symbols that can be used to help put a bridge between subconscious and conscious knowledge and for meditation because you always know more than you know; it is for personal consumption actually, not for predictions and charlatanie.
red flags flying here....

advertising lingo - "help" -- it's like an advertisement for a cold remedy that "helps" relieve some symptom or another. They're not saying it actually relieves anything. They're saying it just "helps."

So - does it "put a bridge between subconscious and conscious knowledge," or does it just "help."

Red flag number 2 is the ambiguity here - how, exactly, is shuffling and dealing the cards bridging (or "helping" to bridge) the subconscious and conscious knowledge? Is it any better than assigning names like "death" and other tarot labels to playing cards and dealing those randomly?

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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by Coito ergo sum » Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:04 pm

Deersbee wrote:Tarot IS generic and symbolic.
...and meaningless, except to the extent someone imputes their own notions to it. The cards dealt bear no relation to the person for whom the dealer is dealing them.

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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by DRSB » Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:14 pm

Symbols are the language of the Unconscious, to quote old Jung. This is all I'm saying, Tarot-induced meditation aims at accessing the unconscious, it only works for personal use though, not to access the unconscious of other people.

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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by Gawdzilla Sama » Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:19 pm

Deersbee wrote:Symbols are the language of the Unconscious, to quote old Jung. This is all I'm saying, Tarot-induced meditation aims at accessing the unconscious, it only works for personal use though, not to access the unconscious of other people.
So any set of symbols would help your focus, or just the Tarot?
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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by Coito ergo sum » Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:26 pm

Deersbee wrote:Symbols are the language of the Unconscious, to quote old Jung. This is all I'm saying, Tarot-induced meditation aims at accessing the unconscious, it only works for personal use though, not to access the unconscious of other people.
What do you mean "it works?" Works to actually do what?

Tarot cards are stack of cards with different symbols on them. You deal the cards. Even if you're dealing the cards "for yourself", the cards aren't coming out in any pattern or order that is personal to you. They are inanimate objects and unless you're choosing which cards are coming up, they are coming up according to your essentially random shuffle.

What possible relation to you could they have?

Is it irrelevant how the cards come up? There just needs to be some set of symbols to contemplate?

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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by DRSB » Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:25 pm

OK, I give up, you got me, I don't lay Tarot. The closest I've come to look into it was in relation to W.B. Yeats when I studied his symbolic references, he was president of the Golden Dawn for a while, so I looked into it. Now, better talk about Yeats, isn't he just great?! Just think of The Lake Isle of Innisfree!


Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by devogue » Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:43 pm

That fuckin' Kursk shit is mad crack.

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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by Trolldor » Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:46 pm

Deersbee wrote:Symbols are the language of the Unconscious, to quote old Jung. This is all I'm saying, Tarot-induced meditation aims at accessing the unconscious, it only works for personal use though, not to access the unconscious of other people.
And jung was full of shit, especially when it came to symbols (And dream analysis)
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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by Coito ergo sum » Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:18 pm

Deersbee wrote:OK, I give up, you got me, I don't lay Tarot. The closest I've come to look into it was in relation to W.B. Yeats when I studied his symbolic references, he was president of the Golden Dawn for a while, so I looked into it. Now, better talk about Yeats, isn't he just great?! Just think of The Lake Isle of Innisfree!
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
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The falcom cannot hear the falconer

....or something....The Second Coming.... great poem, IMHO

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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by electricwhiteboy » Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:26 am

The cards in my experience do funny things. I've had very few completely spurious readings, which are still possible despite the ambiguity of the meaning, and none in the last 18 months or so. Certain cards have cropped up with an odd frequency, seemingly signifying future events. The most I can say is that they are for me a useful tool, almost like a very old friend giving me advice on a situation. In reality that “advice” is simply me thinking around a problem from a different angle. I’m probably prey to confirmation bias, which is why I’m doing the whole diary thing. The last thing that I want is to start making counter intuitive decisions based on what the cards told me.
To answer a previous question, any system of symbolism with philosophical advice tied to it randomly accessed would to my mind yield similar results.

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Re: Biggest challenge to my denial of the supernatural yet

Post by Gawdzilla Sama » Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:49 am

EWB, they're all spurious.
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