
Guns don't kill threads; Ratz kill threads!
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GrandMaster Zen Troll
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Re: Idiots

Post by Seth » Sat Oct 24, 2015 5:19 am

Tero wrote:Absolutely. There is no demonstrated plus side to owning or carrying a hand gun at all times.
Sure there is, as demonstrated 2.5 million times per year here in the US alone.
The chances of being shot in public are lower than the nuts cracking, your percentage of.0004
Indeed, but when someone does try to shoot someone else, there's no time to apply for a permit and shop for a gun, isn't it?
Possibly with the PIN operated gun you might get something. But Vi have ways of getting a PIN out of you.
Not if they are full of bullets.
But your home will be invaded, 100% certainty. Better keep the big guns at home.
And thus the need for multiple gun ownership.
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

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Re: Idiots

Post by Seth » Sun Oct 25, 2015 3:12 am

Scott Olson/Getty Images/AFPScott Olson/Getty Images/AFP
by AWR HAWKINS24 Oct 2015534
On October 21, Pew Research Center released findings that show the annual rate of firearm-related homicides in America declined by nearly 50 percent between 1993 and 2013.

That’s the same time period in which The Washington Post (WaPo) reported that firearm ownership doubled in the United States.

The WaPo did not put a figure on the number of privately owned guns in America. Rather, they estimated that that average gun owner went from owning 4.1 guns in 1994 to owning 8.1 in 2013. Breitbart News used Congressional Research Numbers to show that this means the 192 million guns owned privately in 1994 grew to 310 million or more in 2009 and to an estimated 350 million in 2013.

And PEW Research shows that this surge in privately owned guns did not correlate with an increase in firearm-related homicides but with a plunge in the annual firearm-related homicide rate, which fell from 7 per 1oo,ooo Americans in 1993 to 3.6 per 100,000 in 2013.

Complimenting this 20-year doubling of the number of guns owned by Americans is the fact that concealed carry permit holders nearly tripled between 2007 and now. According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, the “4.6 million” concealed permit holders of 2007 grew to over “12.8 million” permit holders in 2015. That means the last five years of the surge in gun ownership also coincided with a surge in carrying guns in public for self-defense.

Combining these findings and applying them to the times in which we live make clear that in the very year that gun control groups like Moms Demand Action and Gabby Giffords’ Americans for Responsible Solutions were founded to fight gun violence, Americans were embracing the freedom to buy approximately 150 million new guns and to carry many of those guns for self-defense.

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

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Re: Idiots

Post by Tero » Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:42 pm

The trouble is, you patriots actually supply the guns to the criminals. The guns get sold to flea markets etc where nobody keeps track of them. If you were issued one hand gun for life it would be different. You could turn it in to the Feds if it no longer works and get a permit for a second. At your death the estate gets a big fine if the gun is not turned in.

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Re: Idiots

Post by Hermit » Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:00 pm

Ayup. The allegedly 50,000 gun laws in the US leave enough gaps to sail the QEII through. Sideways. And with plenty of space to spare.
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Re: Idiots

Post by laklak » Sun Oct 25, 2015 2:08 pm

You mean I can buy a gun at a flea market? Damn, I must be going to the wrong flea markets, 'cuz I've never, ever, ever seen a gun for sale at one. How about car boot sales? Think I could pick up a 105mm howitzer there? The people across the street refuse to take their rubbish bins in on time, I'm thinking a couple of incendiary rounds through the living room window should do the trick.
Yeah well that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Idiots

Post by Tero » Sun Oct 25, 2015 2:46 pm

You know what I mean, they are like flea markets to me

but all you need is the knife. A street wise kid can see you are carrying a concealed weapon. Oops you forgot to look, now you have a knife in your back and he has a gun. You patriots walking the streets are just a walking Wal Mart of guns out there.
Said Peter...what you're requesting just isn't my bag
Said Daemon, who's sorry too, but y'see we didn't have no choice
And our hands they are many and we'd be of one voice
We've come all the way from Wigan to get up and state
Our case for survival before it's too late

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Re: Idiots

Post by Seth » Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:48 pm

Tero wrote:The trouble is, you patriots actually supply the guns to the criminals.
No, we supply guns to law-abiding citizens. It's a felony to provide a gun to a criminal.
The guns get sold to flea markets etc where nobody keeps track of them.
Depends on the state. In Colorado no background checks were required for private sale transactions, now they are. Of course how the state plans to police Jim Bob selling a hunting rifle to Charlie out in the woods is another matter, and one which almost all of the county Sheriff's have declined to participate in because it is a pointless, useless law that makes criminals out of otherwise law-abiding citizens for no good reason other than as a sop to Democrat anti-gun legislators and mindless anti-gun idiots.

Criminals, of course, are going to get guns anyway, and the facts show that fewer than 4% of crime guns are obtained at "gun shows." The vast majority are stolen and traded among criminals.

Then again, it's true that at the federal level, and in many states, "nobody keeps track of [guns]" because we, the People, do not want or authorize government to do so. We deny our government the power to register guns because all that accomplishes is the registration of LEGALLY OWNED guns, because of course criminals are not going to register their illegally possessed guns. What makes such an idea even more ludicrous is that when a state government TRIED to enforce a law requiring criminals to register their guns (New Jersey as I recall), the SCOTUS ruled that the law was constitutionally invalid under the Fifth Amendment because it amounted to forcing a criminal to admit that he illegally had possession of a gun, which violates his right against self-incrimination.

What this means is that if, and I stress the "if" part, there were a nationwide law requiring the registration of all guns, or even just handguns, it would be a) constitutionally invalid under the Fifth Amendment; and b) would not accomplish anything by way of reducing crime or criminal possession of guns; and c) would give the government information on who has guns, how many, what kind and their serial numbers, which information, when collected (as in New Jersey) will (and has been) inevitably used to send out the jackbooted thugs (literally, as the New Jersey State Police wear jackboots) to seize firearms that have been arbitrarily banned (like semi-automatic "assault weapons" in New Jersey) from law abiding citizens who obediently register them on the orders of the state. And as it happens, that's exactly what happened in New Jersey.

The Governor swore on his mother's grave that if residents registered their "semi-automatic assault weapons" for "safety purposes" that the ownership lists would NEVER BE USED to confiscate those weapons. He lied. Three years later, the state legislature outlawed that sort of weapon and out went the New Jersey State Police in their jackboots, with their guns (which include machine guns) and they seized thousands of those registered guns and demanded that the rest be turned in or taken out of New Jersey.

Exactly the same thing happened in California.

So guess what? No more gun registries, ever, anywhere. Government abused it's authority and so we revoke that authority and refuse to comply or obey ever again. Lie to me once, shame on you. Lie to me twice, shame on me. Fuck the jackbooted thugs, fuck the anti-gun assholes, and fuck gun registration.

It's not happenstance, for example, that in Colorado today, while private transfers (including loaning a gun to a friend while hunting) technically require a NICS background check, and all transfers at "gun shows" also require a NICS check, but the only permanent record of the transaction kept is the PAPER Form 4473.

Between July 2013 through February 2015, of the 512,028 NICS checks done on firearms transactions in Colorado, approximately 24,000 of them were "private transfers" mandated by the new law.
Supporters of the background check law point to Colorado Bureau of Investigation data showing that in the first year of the law, there were 68 denials for private sales after background checks were performed at gun shows and another 98 denials for private purchases outside gun shows. Source
So, out of 24,000 transfers, both at gun shows and elsewhere, 166 denials resulted. That's 0.007 percent of all private transactions. More importantly, those denials were not because some hardened violent criminal was trying to illegally buy a gun, they were the result of honest mistakes by people who didn't know that a particular offense (like a sex offense) disqualified them, or perhaps they had a decades-old restraining order filed by a vindictive ex-wife or some other disqualifier that they didn't know about or had forgotten.

How do I know this? Because no actual violent criminal intent on obtaining a gun illegally for criminal purposes would submit to state and federal background checks in the first place, because even attempting to buy a gun is a felony if you know you are disqualified or you intend to use it for criminal purposes.

Moreover, if you lie on the Form 4477, that's also a federal felony offense.
The most common of these, about 57 percent of the total were for 617,000 people who were “Convicted of a crime punishable by more than one year or a misdemeanor punishable by more than two years.”

Then comes a near three-way tie for second place for fugitives from justice, misdemeanor crime of domestic violence convictions, or those who answer ‘yes’ to the question of unlawful user of a controlled substance. Each of these amounted to about 100,000 individuals or roughly 10 percent of the total. Source
So, in Colorado, 166 denials in 18 months, NONE of which were violent felons trying to get guns, and NONE of whom were prosecuted for attempting to purchase guns precisely because the state and federal governments know that trying to prosecute someone for making a mistake about their eligibility is a pointless waste of public resources. In fact, out of all of the millions and millions of gun transactions that have gone through the NICS, the federal government has prosecuted only FIVE people for being disqualified and attempting to buy a gun. Most of the denials are not final denials anyway (something the liberal Democrats won't admit) they are wrongful denials that are eventually reversed down the road. For example, if a person got divorced 10 years ago and a mutual restraining (no contact) order was issued because of the acrimonious nature of the proceedings by the judge without any actual criminal violence occurring on either party's account, as is actually very, very common (some divorce judges issue such "restraining orders" as a matter of course in ALL divorce proceedings that are contested), and the individuals involved either didn't know or neglected to petition the court to rescind the order, the order technically remains in force even though the parties may now live at opposite ends of the country. But that order is enough to technically deny both parties their fundamental right to keep and bear arms so long as it is even technically still in force.

So, ten years after the divorce the husband wants to buy a shotgun to go duck hunting and in good faith goes to his buddy and offers to buy from him. They dutifully go to the gun store and fill out the paperwork for a private transfer and BINGO! the forgotten restraining order pops up and the transaction is denied and he becomes one of the 166 people the Democrat fuckwits imply are hardened criminals who shouldn't have a gun. So, being denied, he spends a couple of hundred, or thousand bucks going before a judge to get the order quashed, goes back to his buddy, goes through the whole pointless process once again and this time he gets his gun.

THAT is why people who are initially denied most often end up being able to buy a gun.

The number of transfers denied is available from the FBI, but the number of denials that are finally overturned after appeal action is not available from the FBI because the FBI refuses to release those numbers. And why do they refuse to do so? An educated guess is that it's because they lose most appeal cases and the individual's right to buy a gun is restored. We know for example that there are 24,700 individuals who obtained a Unique Personal Identification Number (UPIN) because they have the same name and DOB as a disqualifed person, so we can assume that the FBI overturned 24,700 denials at a minimum.
If you were issued one hand gun for life it would be different. You could turn it in to the Feds if it no longer works and get a permit for a second. At your death the estate gets a big fine if the gun is not turned in.
It's not "the right to keep and bear one gun" it's "the right to keep and bear arms (plural) shall not be infringed" and, as it applies to Colorado, “[t]he right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.”

A very thorough examination of Colorado law regarding gun rights can be found here.

It's interesting to note that the 2003 legislative action has not yet been applied in review of the "rational basis" test that has been upheld in Colorado, particularly when combined with the Heller and McDonald cases, in which the US Supreme Court ruled that the right to keep and bear arms is (as the Colorado statute says) a fundamental right. This would arguably appear to render invalid all court rulings in Colorado, including the state Supreme Court, which use the "rational basis" test for determining if a statute interferes with either the federal or state right to keep and bear arms. It is nearly certain that, when a case comes up in which the question is pertinent, and it's defended properly by the right pro-gun attorneys, the "rational basis" test will inevitably be overturned and replaced with the "compelling need" or "strict scrutiny" test that anyone other than a liberal viewing the Colorado state constitution knows should apply.

What part of "“[t]he right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question" does not suggest that the state has to have more than a "rational basis" upon which to restrict the Colorado right to keep and bear arms?
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

© 2013/2014/2015/2016 Seth, all rights reserved. No reuse, republication, duplication, or derivative work is authorized.

GrandMaster Zen Troll
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Re: Idiots

Post by Seth » Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:12 am

Tero wrote:You know what I mean, they are like flea markets to me
We are not responsible for your incoherence and ability to understand the law.[/quote]

Indiana Code 35-47-2.5-16 Criminal transfer of a firearm
Sec. 16. (a) This section does not apply to a person who complies
with IC 35-47-10 (governing children and firearms).
(b) A person who provides a firearm to an individual who the
person knows:
(1) is ineligible to purchase or otherwise receive or possess a
firearm for any reason other than the person's age; or
(2) intends to use the firearm to commit a crime;
commits criminal transfer of a firearm, a Level 5 felony. However,
the offense is a Level 3 felony if the individual uses the firearm to
commit murder (IC 35-42-1-1).
(c) It is a defense to a prosecution under subsection (b)(1) that:
(1) the accused person (or dealer acting on the person's behalf)
contacted NICS to request a background check on the individual
before the accused person provided the firearm to the
individual; and
(2) the accused person (or dealer acting on the person's behalf)
received authorization from NICS to provide the firearm to the
As added by P.L.152-2014, SEC.6
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

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Re: Idiots

Post by Tero » Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:35 am

OK then, they steal them. Can you guarantee every Patriot reports all stolen guns? If you had only one gun and would need to lock it up or carry, we would have fewer guns to track down.

With the millions of guns you folks import, it is easier to divert 1% to the criminals.

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Re: Idiots

Post by Tero » Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:03 am

I don't give a poop about your Colorado law.
It's not "the right to keep and bear one gun" it's "the right to keep and bear arms (plural) shall not be infringed" and, as it applies to Colorado, “[t]he right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.”
That's why we need to repeal the whole thing. It's set up for 1790 when Evil Brits occupied Canada. And Indians roamed the West. None of that exists anymore. No miltias needed. pay the National Guard to defend us. Good thing it's an amendment and not part of the original text which is More Holy.
why do we have it?
Requested by several states during the Constitutional ratification debates, the widespread desire for such an amendment reflected the lingering resentment over the widespread efforts of the British to confiscate the colonists' firearms at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. Patrick Henry had rhetorically asked, shall we be stronger, "when we are totally disarmed, and when a British Guard shall be stationed in every house?
Said Peter...what you're requesting just isn't my bag
Said Daemon, who's sorry too, but y'see we didn't have no choice
And our hands they are many and we'd be of one voice
We've come all the way from Wigan to get up and state
Our case for survival before it's too late

Turn stone to bread, said Daemon Duncetan
Turn stone to bread right away...

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Re: Idiots

Post by Seth » Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:51 am

Tero wrote:OK then, they steal them. Can you guarantee every Patriot reports all stolen guns? If you had only one gun and would need to lock it up or carry, we would have fewer guns to track down.

With the millions of guns you folks import, it is easier to divert 1% to the criminals.
If the stupid notion that the number of any particular thing should be restricted because it is a popular target for thieves had any rational validity at all we would ban automobiles, purses, wristwatches and jewelry...and money...long before we get around to banning guns, which are, comparatively speaking, far less of a theft target problem than stolen pottery garden gnomes or lawnmowers.

Making such moronic arguments doesn't reflect well on you.
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

© 2013/2014/2015/2016 Seth, all rights reserved. No reuse, republication, duplication, or derivative work is authorized.

GrandMaster Zen Troll
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Re: Idiots

Post by Seth » Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:52 am

Tero wrote:I don't give a poop about your Colorado law.
And I don't care that you don't care. I'm not trying to educate you, I'm posting for the benefit of the lurkers, who might be interested in something other than the inside of their own skulls.
It's not "the right to keep and bear one gun" it's "the right to keep and bear arms (plural) shall not be infringed" and, as it applies to Colorado, “[t]he right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.”
That's why we need to repeal the whole thing. It's set up for 1790 when Evil Brits occupied Canada.
Your opinion is noted. But, unless and until you DO repeal the 2nd Amendment, you can just piss off.
And Indians roamed the West. None of that exists anymore.
Except of course for the "indians" in urban Chicago who do pretty much the same thing the heathens did back then, and then there's the two and a half million times a year that somebody does factually need a gun for self defense.

So, once again you're just simply wrong.
No miltias needed. pay the National Guard to defend us.
Where do you think the National Guard comes from?

Good thing it's an amendment and not part of the original text which is More Holy.
Er, not really. Any part of the Constitution can be changed by the amendment process and all parts of it, both the original text, the Bill of Rights and the subsequent Amendments are equally "holy" as you put it and the process for changing any of it, even the least jot or tittle, is the same as for changing the whole thing. And until you go through that laborious and difficult process and succeed in ratifying such a new amendment, you can piss off.
why do we have it?
To keep the government, any government, from doing exactly what you want them to do, that's why.
Requested by several states during the Constitutional ratification debates, the widespread desire for such an amendment reflected the lingering resentment over the widespread efforts of the British to confiscate the colonists' firearms at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. Patrick Henry had rhetorically asked, shall we be stronger, "when we are totally disarmed, and when a British Guard shall be stationed in every house?
And everything they said and he said remains absolutely true and valid today, only the players are different, so piss off.
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

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Re: Idiots

Post by Tero » Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:19 am

Seth says:

If the stupid notion that the number of any particular thing should be restricted because it is a popular target for thieves had any rational validity at all we would ban automobiles, purses, wristwatches and jewelry...and money...long before we get around to banning guns, which are, comparatively speaking, far less of a theft target problem than stolen pottery garden gnomes or lawnmowers.

Tero says:
Wristwatches are harmless, so are jewelry. What are you babbling about? Lawn mowers and baseball bats have a short range. Guns are dangerous. Hint: limit guns and we limit criminals, forcing them to attack me with lawn mowers.

GrandMaster Zen Troll
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Re: Idiots

Post by Seth » Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:53 pm

Tero wrote:Seth says:

If the stupid notion that the number of any particular thing should be restricted because it is a popular target for thieves had any rational validity at all we would ban automobiles, purses, wristwatches and jewelry...and money...long before we get around to banning guns, which are, comparatively speaking, far less of a theft target problem than stolen pottery garden gnomes or lawnmowers.

Tero says:
Wristwatches are harmless, so are jewelry. What are you babbling about? Lawn mowers and baseball bats have a short range. Guns are dangerous. Hint: limit guns and we limit criminals, forcing them to attack me with lawn mowers.
I agree, your argument is idiocy.

You made the claim that guns should be banned or restricted to one per person because criminals steal guns and use them criminally. What you're saying is that law-abiding citizens right to keep and bear arms should be determined by how many guns criminals steal. The root logic is that if law abiding people are not allowed to possess items that robbers and burglars find enticing, crime will be reduced because there will be nothing worth stealing.

That's just stupidity made manifest.

No one's rights can be predicated on how likely they are to be victimized by a criminal. If that were so, there would be universal curfews and drinking would be illegal because crime happens at night and to drunk people.

What you are trying to concoct is yet another excuse to ban guns based on the ridiculous premise that the innocent victim of crime is responsible for the crime committed against him so his right to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness must be denied and regulated by the government in its quest to suppress crime using second-hand methods of removing the opportunity for them to commit crimes.

Can you not see how stupid this is? It's exactly the equivalent of telling women to dress non-provocatively and if raped, to lie back and enjoy it. Despicable.

My rights are not determined by any criminal's choices or intents and I will never allow them to be so controlled. To control crime, you control the criminal, not the victim. And one of the best ways to control criminals is to make it extremely hazardous and potentially deadly to attempt to victimize anyone by allowing all law abiding citizens to arm themselves for self defense against criminal attack.
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

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Re: Idiots

Post by Tero » Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:44 pm

If I only give you one gun you are less likely to lose it or for it to be stolen out of your car etc. You are going to carry it. All these millions of barely used guns are leaking to the criminal.

But, they might just buy the gun with a fake ID using Seth's name and address. We have to put a limit of 1 hand gun and a national register. Inventory on all gun shops weekly by the ATF. That way two Seths don't buy a hand gun. Seth and fake Seth.

You can protect your homecwith bigger weapons pluscthe one hand gun.

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