Stars and Genesis

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Stars and Genesis

Post by Meekychuppet » Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:06 am

The state of the early universe was essentially a mixture of gaseous hydrogen and helium at a ration of around 10:1. The universe was entirely gaseous for a time in the order of 400 million years. The current model of star formation details the formation of the first stars which is from a collapsing cloud of molecular hydrogen. A hydrogen nebula reaches a sufficient mass that it becomes too massive to support itself and begins to collapse in on itself. As it does so it will reach a point of no return and the collapse in to a star becomes unstoppable. The same mechanisms that drive this also drive the formation of tornadoes on Earth. The cloud begins to rotate and mass gathers in the centre. As this process continues friction heats the gas and the clump in the middle gets larger and hotter. This process of collapse continues until stellar ignition, when hydrogen begins fusing in to helium and a protostar is born. At this point the process of collapse is brought to a halt because the star begins to radiate and the energy released is equal to or greater than the contracting force causing the collapse. There are various stages in this that I will not detail as that is a different matter.

The process of fusion is responsible for the creation of heavy elements. They were made in the engine' of stars.

When massive stars run out of fuel they occasionally die in a spectacular explosion known as a supernova. This happens when the star runs out of fuel to burn and a build up of iron, which cannot undergo fusion, in it's core, causes it to shed huge amounts of mass, blasting it in to space. This mass is shed and it contains the heavy elements which the star created. These heavy elements permeate themselves throughout the universe and new nebulae begin to form that contain these heavy elements. New stars form from these nebulae and some of these stars form planets, like Earth, containing these heavy elements.

The heavy elements include carbon, iron, sulphur and various other chemicals. These are the ingredients in a human being. The elements that all life evolves from were made in stars. When genesis occurred on Earth it used elements previously deposited in to space by supernovae.

We are made of stars.

Rum wrote:Does it occur to you that you have subscribed to the model of maleness you seem to be pushing in order to justify your innately hostile and aggressive nature? I have noticed it often and even wondered if it might be some sort of personality disorder. You should consider this possibility.

Rum wrote:Did I leave out being a twat? (With ref to your sig)
Things Rum has diagnosed me with to date: "personality disorder", autism, Aspergers.
eRvin wrote:People can see what a fucking freak you are. Have you not noticed all the disparaging comments you get?
rum wrote:What a cunt you are. Truly.

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