Everything Is Doubt?

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Re: Everything Is Doubt?

Post by Tero » Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:50 am

The puppeteers had entered thisctext into Wilipedia:
Individuals experiencing solipsism syndrome feel that the world is not 'real' in the sense of being external to their own minds. The syndrome is characterized by feelings of loneliness, detachment and indifference to the outside world. Solipsism syndrome is not currently recognized as a psychiatric disorder by the American Psychiatric Association, though it shares similarities with depersonalization disorder, which is recognized. Solipsism syndrome is distinct from solipsism, which is not a psychological state but rather a philosophical position, namely that nothing exists or can be known to exist outside of one's own mind; advocates of this philosophy do not necessarily suffer from solipsism syndrome, and sufferers do not necessarily subscribe to solipsism as a school of intellectual thought.

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Re: Everything Is Doubt?

Post by rainbow » Wed Apr 04, 2018 6:57 am

Tero wrote:Well, everything is sort of real. The universe is an illusion, a sort of holodeck, created by something to make my life fulfilling. I don't know yet who created it, as it turns out that even the evil Lizard Lords are part of the holodeck. so it all comes out to the fact that only I am real. You are arguing useless stuff. I can erase it all.
Yes, but you are a figment of my imagination, so why should I care?
I call bullshit - Alfred E Einstein

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