Scientific Proof Of God

Holy Crap!
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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by Brian Peacock » Wed Jun 28, 2023 11:48 pm

superuniverse wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2023 9:14 pm
Just aumming up why divine intervention is essential...

So where does that leave the communist revolution? It is nothing but the dream of intellectuals and fools. There exists no force capable of overthrowing the capitalists and their system. Theory retreats back into the imagination where it has no contact with reality.
The capitalist paradigm as traditionally described in political and economic text books is dead, and people holding onto that description do so out of habit &/or for convenience. The dynamics of political economy have shifted to a new paradigm in only a generation - but as yet we just haven't come up with an adequate term to describe the new over-arching systems of social, political and economic power. Some are calling is feudal corporatism, others productivism or growthism. These terms try to capture the idea that a significant and growing amount of production and capital growth is both socially useless as well as irrevocably degrading to the Earth's resources and the natural environment. Whatever term we eventually settle on it is clear that the new regime is unsustainable and increasingly at odds with ordinary people's everyday experience, well-being, and their ideas about what a good life in a functioning society should look like.
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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by superuniverse » Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:38 pm ... -in-a-year

There are different things going on simultaneously that precipitate the Apocalypse. Some have nothing to do with Religion, or at least seem not to. When you look at the world, everything is Religion: the awesomeness and terror of the Universe. I suffered a major heart. I survived it, but this event has changed my life forever. Maybe that's why I want a new world and a new body? lol. When people approach Death they find solace in Religion.

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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by NineBerry » Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:54 pm

You survived having a heart?

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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by Sean Hayden » Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:57 pm

--poetic really
Imagine that. I guess it's only coincidental that you'd already be the perfect citizen in the ideal world you're selling.

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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by rainbow » Sat Jul 01, 2023 9:31 am

superuniverse wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:38 pm ... -in-a-year

There are different things going on simultaneously that precipitate the Apocalypse. Some have nothing to do with Religion, or at least seem not to. When you look at the world, everything is Religion: the awesomeness and terror of the Universe. I suffered a major heart. I survived it, but this event has changed my life forever. Maybe that's why I want a new world and a new body? lol. When people approach Death they find solace in Religion.
Now I understand.

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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by rasetsu » Sat Jul 08, 2023 11:00 pm

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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by JimC » Sun Jul 09, 2023 1:29 am

Gotta hand it to you, rasetsu - you know your way around YouTube... :tea:
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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by rasetsu » Sun Jul 09, 2023 11:20 pm

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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by superuniverse » Thu Jul 27, 2023 9:54 pm

Every civilization in history has been unfree. The freedom of the few has always been dependent upon the unfreedom of the many. But even the few are enslaved and dependent upon the many, but they nevertheless have greater freedom to develop their own potentialities and needs without the brutal struggle of existence that is the fate of the majority
Equality of all races and the freedom of the individual is the goal of civilization.

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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by superuniverse » Thu Jul 27, 2023 10:17 pm

I am not going to lie, and I have not to my knowledge done so on this forum, but cocaine use played a major role in my heart attack. I was clean for a long period of time and on New Year's Day 2020 I almost died from cocaine use. Now I have been completely clean and sober since that night. What happened my whole left side of my body seized while lying in bed. While people were out celebrating I was lying in bed dying. I did not go to the hospital as I had a dog to take care of. I only found out a year and half later what happened after tests. I never was a fan of reality, but running from it almost killed me, so now I have changed my life completely. I walk 10km a day. I watch what I eat. And things have improved dramatically. I no longer have constant physical pain in my chest as was the case for almost 2 years after the event. It may serve as a cautionary tale to others on here. I thought i was invincible (I am in some ways!) and I paid a high price for that delusion.

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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Fri Jul 28, 2023 12:08 am

Good. Carry on, by all means. Mens sana in corpore sano and all that.

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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by NineBerry » Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:53 am

Get well soon, superuniverse. I want to you to stay alive to see there is no end of the world soon.

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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by JimC » Fri Jul 28, 2023 8:18 pm

Stay well, Dennis...
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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by superuniverse » Sun Sep 10, 2023 7:10 pm

"The ancient concepts of God, the Good, Truth and Beauty, the universals and absolutes of an earlier era have become mere ghosts[1]. " ... ob-glover/

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Re: Scientific Proof Of God

Post by NineBerry » Sun Sep 10, 2023 7:48 pm

Oh, he's back. Has the apocalypse happened yet?

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