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Re: AmeriKKKa

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:42 am

The horrible woke American schools will not get to corrupt these children.

Edit: Tero got there first. :tup:

'Inside a US Neo-Nazi Homeschool Network With Thousands of Members'
Earlier this month, while the rest of the country was celebrating the achievements of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., parents and children in the “Dissident Homeschool” network opened a lesson plan and were greeted with the words: “As Adolf Hitler wrote…”

The contents of the MLK lesson plan would be shocking for almost anyone, but for members of the 2,400-member “Dissident Homeschool” Telegram channel, this was a regular Monday at school.

“It is up to us to ensure our children know him for the deceitful, dishonest, riot-inciting negro he actually was,” the administrator of the network’s Telegram channel wrote, alongside a downloadable lesson plan for elementary school children. ”He is the face of a movement which ethnically cleansed whites out of urban areas and precipitated the anti-white regime that we are now fighting to free ourselves from.”

Since the group began in October 2021 it has openly embraced Nazi ideology and promoted white supremacy, while proudly discouraging parents from letting their white children play with or have any contact with people of any other race. Admins and members use racist, homophobic, and antisemitic slurs without shame, and quote Hitler and other Nazi leaders daily in a channel open to the public.


Katja Lawrence, who is in her mid-30s, launched the channel in October 2021, because she “was having a rough time finding Nazi-approved school material for [her] homeschool children,” as she told the neo-Nazi podcast “Achtung! Amerikaner” last year.

Later in the same podcast episode, Lawrence expanded on her view on why she wanted to educate her children at home. “We have our children’s best interest at heart and nobody can do a better job than we can because it’s our child. We are so deeply invested into making sure that that child becomes a wonderful Nazi,” she said.

When VICE News asked for comment on the Lawrences and their channel, the host of the podcast, Gordon Kahl, replied: “I think you should kill yourself instead.”

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Re: AmeriKKKa

Post by laklak » Mon Jan 30, 2023 6:20 am

She was having a rough time finding Nazi approved school material?

Why, that's shocking! What's the world coming to when you can't find textbooks with the Fuhrer stamp of approval?
Yeah well that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: AmeriKKKa

Post by Brian Peacock » Mon Jan 30, 2023 9:25 am

I'm calling poe on that.
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Re: AmeriKKKa

Post by Svartalf » Mon Jan 30, 2023 9:43 am

I miss <Lenore
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Re: AmeriKKKa

Post by Scot Dutchy » Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:21 pm

Brian Peacock wrote:
Mon Jan 30, 2023 9:25 am
I'm calling poe on that.
In America Brian anything is possible. :tut:
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Re: AmeriKKKa

Post by Svartalf » Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:22 pm

Edgar happened neraly 2 centuries ago
Embrace the Darkness, it needs a hug

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Re: AmeriKKKa

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Fri Feb 24, 2023 12:02 am

Brian Peacock wrote:
Mon Jan 30, 2023 9:25 am
I'm calling poe on that.
I don't blame you; the Nazi home-schoolers 'were deliberately made to look very unappealing.' :lol:

'Neo-Nazi Homeschoolers Defend Their "Wholesome" Pro-Hitler Network'
The Lawrences blasted the mainstream media for “cherry-picking” the neo-Nazi aspects of their lesson plans, claiming that these were “just fun extras” they added to the regular curriculum they taught their four young children.

“We were deliberately made to look very unappealing,” Katja Lawrence said.

It is unsurprising that the Lawrences decided to give their first interview to Justice Report, given it is linked to the National Justice Party, a white supremacist group that was a member of the Dissident Homeschool channel. Katja Lawrence also encouraged her members to join their local “pool party,” which is the name the NJP gives to its real world meet ups for neo-Nazis.


[T]he Lawrences remain undeterred; they told the Justice Report their resolve to raise their children in a pro-Nazi environment is stronger than ever.

“I am deeply committed to giving my kids a positive, pro-White education,” Katja Lawrence said.

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Re: AmeriKKKa

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:21 am

Maybe some will consider this article's title over-stated, but ...

'Jim Crow Is Resurrected in Mississippi'
Earlier this month, white representatives in the Mississippi House approved a bill to create a new district—that includes all of the majority-white neighborhoods in Jackson, a capital city that is 83 percent Black. This includes creating a criminal justice system for the district, overseen by an all-white power base.

Under House Bill 1020, the white conservative chief justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court would handpick the new district’s two supervising judges; its prosecutors and public defenders would be chosen by the state’s white Republican attorney general.

The zone would be policed by an expanded Capitol Police force, led by the current white police chief, and supervised by the state’s white Public Safety commissioner. Because all the district’s officials would be appointed instead of elected, Jackson’s majority-Black citizenry would have no voting rights on the matter—making it Mississippi’s only jurisdiction where, according to the ACLU, “unelected judges and prosecutors have jurisdiction over criminal and civil law matters”—although 12 percent of their sales taxes would be redirected to help pay for it all.

“It’s oppressive because it strips the right of Black folks to vote,” Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba said, after the bill cleared the House. “It’s oppressive because it puts a military force over people that has no accountability to them. It’s oppressive because there will be judges who will determine sentences over people’s lives. It’s oppressive because it redirects their tax dollars to something they don’t endorse nor believe in.”

State Rep. Trey Lamar, the white Republican who sponsored the bill, lives in and represents a majority-white district more than two hours away from Jackson. (He holds a seat once held by his grandfather, Leon Hannaford, whose legacy includes introducing a 1962 bill to tighten residency requirements for college students, which a local paper at the time reported, “would have kept Negro James Meredith from filing suit to enter the University of Mississippi.”) In various statements on the House floor and in an op-ed from last weekend, the legislator has insisted that HB 1020, by adding unelected judges to Hinds County’s courts, will help clear up lengthy case backlogs, while an expanded Capitol Police force will address a spike in crime in Jackson, allowing his constituents to “feel safe when they come” to the capital.

Calling the bill “racially neutral,” he suggested Jackson’s Black elected representatives, who overwhelmingly rejected the legislation, have “used race” as some kind of political maneuver, and has even gone so far as to accuse those same black officials of “incompetence in leadership.”

If it’s not already obvious already, there’s really only one way to describe an effort to create a white political stronghold in America’s second blackest city, where the Black majority is subject to taxation without representation—and that is, “trying to pull a Jim Crow.”

But it’s not just the top-down white supremacist power structure the bill proposes that begs the Jim Crow comparisons. It’s also the overtly racist subtext needed to justify the idea that white power is the natural “solution”—an assumption so frequently made, it’s recognizable between all those lines of “racially neutral” language. (At the suggestion of an amendment to ensure his bill’s unelected judges at least be from Jackson, Lamar suggested the search not be limited to the majority-Black city, asking, “Do we not want our best and brightest sitting in judgment?”)


Just as Lamar wants his constituents to “feel safe when they come” to the capital, Black Jacksonians want to feel safe, too, both from crime and from over-policing. It’s a concern the legislator blithely dismissed by stating, “if you're not committing crimes in Jackson, you really don't have anything to worry about.”

That’s quite a statement from someone with deep roots in a state notorious for creating the first Black Codes, having the most racial terror lynchings, having a Senate that voted to ship its Black residents to Africa at the late date of 1922, which created the first White Citizens' Council, which removed the Confederate flag from its banner in 2020, and which attempted to ban the teaching about all of those things with a bill that erroneously calls it “critical race theory.”

In 2023, the Mississippi House passed a bill that would essentially resurrect Jim Crow; now that proposed law will head to the Senate, where Republicans also retain majority power. Perhaps Mississippi will become the first state to so openly reinstate Jim Crow, extracting Black power in every form it can, yet again. And others will undoubtedly follow.

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Re: AmeriKKKa

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Tue Feb 13, 2024 2:36 pm

'Those people' think their ancestors were treated horribly, but hold on ...

'White Kentucky politician who opposes DEI tells NAACP: "My father was a slave"'
State Rep. Jennifer Decker went before the Shelbyville Area NAACP a week and a half ago and gave its members some pretty startling news.

Decker is a white, 68-year-old lawyer who is trying to prohibit state colleges and universities from offering diversity programs aimed at helping African Americans and other underrepresented students.

“My father was a slave, just to a white man and he was white,” Decker said before the predominantly Black audience.

Decker’s father was a white preacher. He was born sometime around 1933 – that was 68 years after the 13th Amendment outlawed slavery.

It was a moment that, in many ways, proved how badly diversity, equity and inclusion programs – this year’s chosen bogeyman of Kentucky’s right-wing politicians – are needed in Kentucky’s schools.

Such diversity programs weren’t around when Decker was in school.

If they had been, she might have learned that few white people in America, short of those who have been trafficked for sex, should ever claim something like that. It’s deeply offensive to those who are descendants of actual slaves to hear a white person claim that they are a descendent of a slave.

Heck, it’s offensive to me and I’m as white as Decker.

It really is difficult to compare the life of a white person in the mid-20th century with the atrocities that white people in America did to Black people before the Civil War.


During her presentation, she spoke as if the only purpose of what are called “diversity, equity and inclusion” programs, is to increase Black enrollment.

That couldn’t be further from the truth. At the University of Kentucky, the diversity, equity and inclusion office operates a program to help students with disabilities; it provides counseling for students who have been harmed by racism, and other services.


[A]ccording to an audio recording of the meeting provided to The Courier Journal, during a question-and-answer session, someone asked Decker if her family played any role in the slave trade.

“My father was born on a dirt farm in Lincoln County. His mother was the illegitimate daughter of a very prominent person who then was kind enough to allow them to work for him as slaves. So, if you’re asking, did we own slaves? My father was a slave, just to a white man and he was white,” Decker responded.

It got me wondering what in the world she was talking about.

So, I tracked down Decker before she went onto the House Floor Friday morning and began to ask about her comments about her father.

“Irrelevant, irrelevant.” she said. “My father’s past poverty is a great equalizer.”

I didn’t quite understand that, so I tried a different tack and asked her how she defines slavery.

“Irrelevant,” was her answer again.

Slavery is irrelevant?

“Well, it’s not irrelevant,” she said. “No. It’s not irrelevant what slavery is, but it’s shifting the focus from what we’re talking about.”

Then I told her that claiming a white man, in the middle of the 20th century, was a slave was weird and that I was just trying to understand what she was talking about at the NAACP meeting.

“Well, my father was born into poverty. There was a very influential man who allowed them property and then they worked on it,” she said. She added that they weren’t paid by the farmer.

It sounded like a tenant farmer operation to me. Certainly not a way to make a fortune but far from what slaves endured.

She then said that she “probably overstated. Was I saying that it was kidnapping and abuse the same as the slaves? No.”

But why was he working for no pay?

“He was a child and his family all worked there,” she said.

So, Decker’s father was forced by his parents to do chores? And that was what made him a “slave?”

I suppose any of us who washed dishes, cut grass or took out the garbage were "slaves" according to Decker's definition.

What’s stunning about this is both at the NAACP and when I spoke with her, Decker fell back on the notion that her family found its way out of poverty through education.

I don’t doubt that. That’s how many families escape poverty.

What’s sad is that Decker, a white lawyer, and 19 of her white Republican coworkers are making it more difficult for Black families that really are descendants of enslaved people to get the same sort of education.

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Re: AmeriKKKa

Post by Sean Hayden » Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:42 am

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