American Politics from 2019 on

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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by Tero » Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:23 am

NYT morning letter. They forgot to mention that CEOs and corporations do not have babies. Usually. And they can send them away if they are female CEOs. Just pay for the boarding school.
And under Trump, the Republican base has changed dramatically. They are more blue collar, more likely to loathe corporate chieftains and Davos “thought leaders.” The relationship between corporate America and congressional Republicans has also chilled. I have heard something like this from several Trump-aligned Republicans about corporate America: “We protected you for years. And then you turned around and sided with the Democrats on every major cultural issue — the environment, immigration, diversity and inclusion and voting rights.”

Most Republicans are still cozy with corporate interests, but some of the newer Trump-aligned members of Congress, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, are less dependent on corporate money because they raise a ton online from grass-roots donors.

David Leonhardt: I’m left believing that many C.E.O.s genuinely support a lot of Trump’s agenda — but also oppose other parts. The executives seem to be betting they can get the parts they like without the ones they don’t.

Maggie Haberman: No matter how genuinely they support or don’t support specific pieces, many are animated by greater antipathy toward Biden than attraction to Trump. And they’re averting their gazes from the parts they don’t like.
I think of Trump raising money, but never really MTG. But every "Jewish Space Lasers" probably brought her $100 000. She enetertains her fans
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by Tero » Wed Apr 17, 2024 6:55 pm

Hardline republicans did not want to "solve" border before election so Trump could "solve" it. On top of that they object to taking in ANY refugees.
WASHINGTON, April 10 (Reuters)
Republicans say Biden should reinstate Trump-era policies that sought to deter border crossings and roll back new measures that offer certain migrants ways to enter legally.

The Mexican government opposes the program, opens new tab, which would complicate any attempts to restart it. Democrats and immigration rights groups oppose it, too.

U.S. President Joe Biden is weighing whether he has the legal authority to block migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border since Republicans have refused to pass bipartisan legislation that would give him such power, the Democratic president said in an interview broadcast on Tuesday.
Republicans say Biden should restore the restrictive policies of Republican former President Donald Trump, who will face Biden in the November election, and that the Biden-backed legislation would not sufficiently stem illegal crossings. Some of Trump's hardline immigration measures were blocked by courts.

Since October 2023, Biden has called on Congress to approve $13.6 billion in additional border management funds that would pay for 1,300 additional border patrol agents, 1,600 new asylum officers and 375 new judge teams.
The White House also backed a bipartisan bill in the U.S. Senate that would make it harder to claim asylum at the border and create a new authority to send migrants and asylum seekers back to Mexico if crossings reach certain levels.

But Republicans have opposed both the additional funds and Senate border bill, saying Biden should first restore restrictive Trump policies and end new legal entry programs that Republicans allege are an abuse of the federal government's parole authority.
Republicans have criticized, opens new tab the Senate bill for setting a threshold of a weekly average of 5,000 migrant encounters per day before requiring the use of an emergency authority to turn away migrants, saying it is too permissive.
The Biden administration says Republicans caved to Trump after he came out in opposition to the bipartisan Senate bill. ... 0authority.
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by Tero » Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:24 am
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by Tero » Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:33 pm

Two candidates remain and they get worse and worse
Trump has lost support among independents and those who have an unfavorable opinion of both candidates. Trump (49%) and Biden (49%) now tie among independents. Trump held a 7-percentage point lead over Biden previously (52% for Trump to 45% for Biden). Among those who have an unfavorable opinion of both candidates, Biden (50%) and Trump (48%) are now competitive. ... 024-april/
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by JimC » Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:49 am

American voters are increasingly saying "a pox on both your houses", it seems to me...
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by macdoc » Tue Apr 30, 2024 8:04 am

Dunno where JFK sits in this other than the clan is not happy :ask:
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by Tero » Wed May 01, 2024 10:29 pm

Arizona senate passes repeal of 1864 near-total abortion ban
Democrats pick up support of two Republicans to repeal law reinstated three weeks ago, with governor expected to ratify repeal ... ortion-ban
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by Tero » Mon May 06, 2024 11:05 am

Polling has some 4% error normally. But now it seems to be more.
The problems with political polls are multiple:
The dominance of cell phones and caller ID programs on landlines has made what statisticians call the “response rate” plummet. A generation ago, few Americans would let their phones ring without answering. Now many calls go unanswered as we ignore unrecognized numbers. Such screening means that pollsters must place thousands more calls to reach enough respondents, which increases their costs and adds pressure to shrink their sample sizes. On top of that, folks who do answer skew older than the overall electorate, making it even harder to gather a survey group that accurately represents the nation’s complex and shifting demographics.
There are too many political pollsters conducting too many polls. When John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon waged a historically close race in 1960, Gallup was virtually the only national polling organization tracking the contest. Three years later Louis Harris started surveying political opinion. For decades they remained the dominant political pollsters, with few competitors. Today there are dozens of polling groups using different methodologies. Nathaniel Rakich, a FiveThirtyEight senior elections analyst, in March 2023 examined hundreds of poll results going back to 1998 in elections for president, the Senate, the House, and governor. During their final three weeks, pollsters predicted the winner only 78 percent of the time. In 2022, they got just 72 percent of the races right, a steep drop from the 88 percent high-water mark of 2008. Focusing on the 2022 elections, Rakich found big disparities among 33 pollsters. Only six called at least 90 percent of their contests correctly.
Now, 80 or 90 percent accuracy might seem like pretty high scores, given the volatility of many elections. But consider that three firms, SurveyUSA, the University of New Hampshire, and Alaska Survey Research, were 100 percent accurate in 2022. Why can’t more firms reach that level? Also consider that 10 groups got less than two-thirds of their predictions right, which should not be a passing grade. And bringing up the rear were Morning Consult at 8 percent correct and Ipsos at 17 percent. Journalists vet their sources carefully, but these numbers suggest that they should be more careful in covering polls.
The internet, with its voracious appetite and greatly expanded space for new information no matter how incremental, has made some political journalists less discriminating and fueled more questionable polling. The financial pressures on news organizations have increased the need for digital readers, which has led to election articles that are little more than click-bait.
Issue polls have their own problems. Immediately after the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion in June 2022, many newscasters and reporters predicted the ruling would have minimal electoral impact. They cited old surveys showing that majorities of voters ranked the economy, health care, crime, and other concerns ahead of reproductive rights. Yet those polls failed to measure the intensity of anger the high court ruling would prompt among scores of women, whose increased turnout in subsequent elections has proven decisive. ... den-trump/
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by Tero » Wed May 08, 2024 7:20 pm

That explains it. He has a brain worm. Trump on the other hand can't get away with the worm excuse, though. ... index.html
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by pErvinalia » Wed May 08, 2024 9:41 pm

That explains what? Who's got a brain worm?
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by Tero » Thu May 09, 2024 7:06 pm

Kennedy. Third party anti-vaxxer.
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by Tero » Thu May 09, 2024 9:03 pm

pErvinalia wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 9:41 pm
That explains what? Who's got a brain worm?
We have the facts now.
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by Tero » Sat May 11, 2024 12:44 am

Joe Biden appears to be ...still old. ... id=rrpromo
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by Tero » Thu May 16, 2024 11:28 am
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Re: American Politics from 2019 on

Post by pErvinalia » Thu May 16, 2024 11:41 am

I don't know, what's not to love about Putin?
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