Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

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GrandMaster Zen Troll
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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by Seth » Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:20 am

Woodbutcher wrote:Fuck Seth, your paranoia is getting worse. I recommend digging your bunker deeper and obtaining two more guns and some nerve gas.
It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you. And history has repeatedly proven that Marxists are indeed out to get me, and everybody like me, and their intent is to "fundamentally transform" the United States into another failed Marxist hell-hole. Not on my watch they aren't.

My bunker's deep enough thanks, and I'm spending my money on ammunition and range practice right now.
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by Blind groper » Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:38 am

Wow, Seth.

"The Marxists are out to get you!"

That is a statement of insanity stronger than anything else we have heard from you. I suggest you seek professional help.

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by Seth » Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:45 am

Here's proof you should run what you brung, but having a gun is always better...we could have been three thugs short.
Feisty Grandmother Uses Unlikely Weapon to Fight Off Intruders: ‘I Just Kept Smacking One of Them’
Jul. 18, 2013 2:05pm Erica Ritz

Melinda Walker took the definition of “Guitar Hero” to another level after three men allegedly broke into her Fort Wayne, Indiana townhouse on Sunday.

A robbery victim twice in the past, Walker was with her five-year-old grandson when she said she was awakened by three young men demanding money and her flat screen TV.

“All I thought was, ‘you’re getting away from my grandson,’” she recalled in an interview with WANE-TV.
Melinda Walker Beats Robbers With Grandsons Guitar Hero Controller

(Photo: WANE-TV)

Though the men claimed to have a gun and were allegedly threatening to “take it out and clean it” on her, Walker said she suspected they might be bluffing. They were all wearing hoodies with the strings pulled tight, she said, making it impossible to see more than a few inches of their faces, and the purported firearm wasn’t visible.

As the demands continued, Walker said she spotted the miniature toy guitar that came with her grandson’s “Guitar Hero” game.

“I just reached down and picked it up, and I told them to get the hell out of my house. ‘Get out of my house. Get out of my house!’” she said. “I just kept smacking one of them.”

After the suspects began shying backwards towards the stairwell, Walker said: “I pushed the one that wouldn’t shut up down the stairs….”

And as the scene grew more public, the men fled empty-handed in what was described as a champagne-colored sedan.

When asked if she has a message for the suspects, Walker said defiantly: “I may not be a strong woman. I may not be a well woman, but you’re not going to get my stuff.”
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by Blind groper » Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:49 am

Good example, Seth.
Proves what I have always said about alternatives to hand guns.

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by Seth » Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:18 am

Blind groper wrote:Good example, Seth.
Proves what I have always said about alternatives to hand guns.
Like I said, there are alternatives, but if the invaders had actually had a gun and been willing to use it, she would be dead now, whereas if she had a handgun one, two or all three of the thugs would likely be dead, which is the perfect outcome.
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by surreptitious57 » Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:52 am

Seth wrote:
Like I said there are alternatives but if the invaders had actually had a gun and been willing to use it she would be dead
now whereas if she had a handgun one two or all three of the thugs would likely be dead which is the perfect outcome
Three young armed men against one old armed woman : The odds would not be in her favour in that scenario
If they knew she did not have a weapon then the probability of her living is greater than if they knew she did
have one : Then again they would probably not have considered burgling her if they knew in advance she was
armed : Apparently many burglers prefer to avoid confrontation since it is time consuming and unpredictable
They just want to go in and get what they want and leave so having to engage someone is not on the agenda

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by Seth » Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:00 pm

surreptitious57 wrote:
Seth wrote:
Like I said there are alternatives but if the invaders had actually had a gun and been willing to use it she would be dead
now whereas if she had a handgun one two or all three of the thugs would likely be dead which is the perfect outcome
Three young armed men against one old armed woman :
Yup, a deadly situation no matter how you cut it.
The odds would not be in her favour in that scenario
The odds are rarely in the victim's favor in a sudden-attack crime. That's why one needs an edge like a handgun, so one can retake the edge.
If they knew she did not have a weapon then the probability of her living is greater than if they knew she did
have one : Then again they would probably not have considered burgling her if they knew in advance she was
armed : Apparently many burglers prefer to avoid confrontation since it is time consuming and unpredictable
They just want to go in and get what they want and leave so having to engage someone is not on the agenda
Precisely correct. In this situation the intruders had most likely cased the joint and knew who she was and that she likely was NOT armed. They were quite surprised when she resisted them because they were operating on the assumption that their mere invasion would instill enough fear to quell resistance, and that's usually a correct assumption because at least half of the population overall is unarmed. It's geographically disparate however, as rural people own guns at a much higher rate than do city-dwellers, mostly due to laws prohibiting urban dwellers from owning firearms and idiots who think the police will keep them safe.

But this presumption on the part of criminals is becoming much less rational as more and more people are buying and carrying guns, both in the home and in public. The result is that they become much more careful, being quite naturally and correctly afraid that they will get suddenly dead rather than get the TV they are after.

This again is where the armed citizen has the advantage over the criminal. I've said before that I can out-draw and shoot a crook who has his gun pointed at me. This is true, whether you believe it or not, and the reason is because of the mindset of the crook versus the mindset of me, or some other armed citizen.

As we see from this example, the crooks used terror tactics to try to overcome any resistance by threatening to shoot the victim. But they were not convincing and didn't actually have (or produce) a handgun, so she decided to call their bluff. And when she did, they ran like rabbits. The reason they ran is because they had their thoughts fixated on STEALING STUFF, not on murder, and when their plan went awry and all of a sudden they had to either retreat or attack, they became confused and reverted to their "training," which is to flee a confrontation you're not prepared for. It's a perfectly natural response. The number of criminals who are trained to fight when they encounter significant resistance is actually quite small. In real life, the bank robbers in Los Angeles who shot it out with police demonstrate a resolve to fight rather than flee. In the movies, the best, most accurate representation of that mindset is "Heat" with Robert DeNiro and Val Kilmer. The shootout scene at the bank is highly realistic and is probably the model upon which the LA robbers built their plan. But that's extremely unusual in street crime.

Which is why we have more than 2 million violent crimes committed every year, but only some 8000 homicides. Most street crimes and burglaries don't end in a killing, even when the robber is armed. For one thing, they are usually pretty lousy shots and they only hit their targets some 15% of the time, and of those hits, less than 15% are fatal. The odds of not being killed by a street thug with a gun are actually pretty fair just because they are lousy shots.

More importantly is the mindset at the moment the fatal confrontation takes place. The thug is there to get something; your wallet and watch, your TV, your car. Their focus and intent is on using a weapon, or the threat of a weapon only to facilitate their getting what they want. They are not generally in a "murder mindset." If you watch surveillance tapes of robberies where shots are fired, the majority of the time the crook shoots wildly without looking as he runs away, if he shoots at all.

This psychological factor is extremely important in training for self-defense. The maxim of crisis situations is that in a crisis, you will revert to your training. If you have no training, in a crisis you will do nothing and your "flight or fight" instincts will take some point.

So, we have a thug who wants my wallet so he can buy meth. He's waving a gun around threatening to shoot me while looking around to see if there's anyone else around, and he's entirely focused on getting my wallet. I tell him I'll cooperate to further confuse him, and then I reach for my wallet, which is what he is expecting. What I come up with instead, faster than he can possibly perceive and react to it, is my pistol, with which I shoot him dead in 0.76 seconds, while moving sideways out of his line of fire and, if possible, blocking his gun with my left hand so that even if he does jerk the trigger, I won't be hit. Aside from physically and biologically not having time to perceive the threat and react to it, he's confused because he is expecting me to reach back and get my wallet, not produce a pistol and shoot him, so added to the raw perception/reaction minimum time of most humans, which is 1.5 seconds is a hesitation while he tries to process the fact that he's no longer the aggressor but is instead about to be dead. This can add a substantial delay to any response he might make, particularly if he has not trained himself what to do if a victim pulls on him. This gives me the advantage in the situation, and I'm going to use it effectively to put two in his chest and one in his head in 0.76 seconds because that is what I've trained myself to do in that situation for decades. I don't have any confusion or hesitation about my role or plan. Once I know I'm being robbed my decisions are all but automatic because I practice, practice, practice like crazy to draw and fire three rounds with extreme accuracy at up to 7 yards from the instant I initiate the action.

The important difference here is that unlike the crook, who has to perceive that I'm drawing a weapon and not my wallet, then decide what to do about it, be delayed by confusion and surprise, which makes his reaction time much slower than what it takes me to draw and fire, I KNOW what I'm going to do, and I've decided to do it already, "long" before I initiate the draw. I've analyzed the threat, hopefully far in advance so I can actually draw my weapon before the thug gets close enough to rob me, but at least a second or two before I choose to initiate the draw. That being the case, I'm not "outdrawing" the crook based on MY OWN perception/reaction time (which is also quite short compared to most people, again because I train) because I've already perceived the threat and know what I'm going to do. Having made the decision to shoot, it's all muscle memory from there, and I shoot before the crook even knows what happened.

The same principle applies in a longer time frame with, by way of example, these three stooges who invaded the lady's home. They are intent on getting stuff, and all she had to do was delay long enough to analyze the threat, which she did, and then obtain a weapon, in this case a toy guitar, and proceed to whup their asses. Now, if she'd had a handgun, even in the bedroom nightstand, she can take advantage of their uncertainty by screaming like she's terrified and running to the bedroom. Chances are the thugs will not pursue her, they will go for the swag because that's what they are there for and see her running away as capitulation based on fear and will therefore not be thinking of her as a threat, so when she returns from the bedroom with a pistol or shotgun and opens fire without saying a word, they are most likely going to die or run, either of which is an acceptable ending.

This happens all the time, which you would know if you took some time to peruse the NRA's "Armed Citzen" online site, which aggregates news reports from across the nation of incidents where citizens used their firearms to defend themselves on a daily basis.

So, unlike what the tactically ignorant like BG claim, I've studied the criminal mind and operating procedures for decades and trained very hard and very carefully to hone my response to a deadly situation which gives me a substantial and important edge over criminals.
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by Seth » Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:48 pm


Motorcyclist turns tables on would-be robbers near Colorado Springs
By Daniel Chacon Published: July 18, 2013 | 6:30 pm • 0

They say never to bring a knife to a gunfight.

Such was the case Wednesday night in unincorporated El Paso County.

Three men who reportedly tried to rob a motorcyclist at knifepoint got a big surprise when the motorcyclist hit one of the men and then pulled out a gun.

The motorcyclist had pulled over in the 3800 block of Marksheffel Road about 6:25 p.m. to add another layer of clothing, sheriff's spokesman Lt. Jeff Kramer said.

Three men who appeared between 19 and 20 years old pulled up behind him in a black Honda Accord. Two of the men got out of the car and demanded the motorcyclist's money. One of the men was armed with a knife, Kramer said.

The motorcyclist didn't comply with their demands.

Instead, he punched the knife-wielding man and then pulled out a handgun, which he was lawfully carrying, Kramer said.

The suspects ran back to the car and sped away, Kramer said.

No arrests have been made, and the investigation is ongoing, he said.


Contact Daniel ChacOn: 476-1623 Twitter @danieljchacon Facebook Daniel Chacon
I'da put them on the ground, one way or another. Either voluntarily or with extreme prejudice.
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by MrJonno » Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:33 pm

I'da put them on the ground, one way or another. Either voluntarily or with extreme prejudice.
I would have given them my wallet because I'm not a complete moron and actually have some control over my hormones
When only criminals carry guns the police know exactly who to shoot!

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by Blind groper » Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:27 pm

To Seth

Your last couple posts in this thread are what we in New Zealand refer to as an example of a major class wanker in operation.

Couple points.

In the USA most would-be burglars case the joint in advance. Guess what, genius? Here in NZ, and in Oz, and In Canada, Britain, Sweden and everywhere else, burglars case the joint in advance before entering a house. The vast majority will not go in if they think someone is at home, regardless of guns or no guns. They are not stupid, and they are not looking for trouble, just easy money. The biggest harm you can do to the burglar if you hear him in your home is to dial 911. Even here in NZ, they are deathly afraid of that (though our dial is 111).

Second : You still tell anecdotes, and still the plural of anecdote is not data. You cherry pick stories from various newspapers and fail to realise that only a moron would find them convincing as evidence for any generalisation at all.

The biggest piece of wankerage is your assertion that you can outdraw and kill an intruder even if he is pointing a gun at you. Guess what, you are now dead.

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by Jason » Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:39 am

MrJonno wrote:
I'da put them on the ground, one way or another. Either voluntarily or with extreme prejudice.
I would have given them my wallet because I'm not a complete moron and actually have some control over my hormones
I would've gone all Jackie Chan on their punk asses.

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by Seth » Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:45 am

MrJonno wrote:
I'da put them on the ground, one way or another. Either voluntarily or with extreme prejudice.
I would have given them my wallet because I'm not a complete moron and actually have some control over my hormones
And then they could go right ahead and slit your throat to prevent you from identifying them and testifying against them. Which would be fine with me, but I'm going to shoot anyone that tries to rob me using a deadly weapon if I have the legal right to do so, which in this case the motorcyclist did.

He chose not to, and that's his choice to make, but he HAD a choice because he was armed.
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by Seth » Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:53 am

Blind groper wrote:To Seth

Your last couple posts in this thread are what we in New Zealand refer to as an example of a major class wanker in operation.
Go fuck yourself, asswipe. I couldn't care less what you think because nothing you think is of any value to humankind whatsoever.

Couple points.

In the USA most would-be burglars case the joint in advance. Guess what, genius? Here in NZ, and in Oz, and In Canada, Britain, Sweden and everywhere else, burglars case the joint in advance before entering a house. The vast majority will not go in if they think someone is at home, regardless of guns or no guns. They are not stupid, and they are not looking for trouble, just easy money. The biggest harm you can do to the burglar if you hear him in your home is to dial 911. Even here in NZ, they are deathly afraid of that (though our dial is 111).
Which is correct, right up until it's not, as the many examples I've posted here, and the other couple of million I haven't, prove. You can put your faith, your life, and the lives of your loved ones in 111. I'll put mine in Messrs. Heckler and Koch. They at least are present when I need them, and they always perform perfectly and without fail...unlike the police. I should know, I WAS the police and I often told people never to call 911 when they should be shooting. Call 911 afterwards, to come clean up the mess and do the paperwork. That's what cops are actually for. They know it. Pity you don't.

Second : You still tell anecdotes, and still the plural of anecdote is not data. You cherry pick stories from various newspapers and fail to realise that only a moron would find them convincing as evidence for any generalisation at all.
Data is as data does. Stacks up against your idiocy higher and higher every day. I note you can't rebut even a single one of those data points, and never have.
The biggest piece of wankerage is your assertion that you can outdraw and kill an intruder even if he is pointing a gun at you. Guess what, you are now dead.
Maybe. But my chances are quite good that he gets dead instead because that's what I train for. I've explained it in detail, and you've never been able to refute a single statement I've made with any evidence whatsoever. I even posted a link to a video showing a fellow (and not a very fast one) starting from a signal and drawing and firing two rounds in 1.5 seconds.

But again, I don't care what you think because you're an idiot.
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

© 2013/2014/2015/2016 Seth, all rights reserved. No reuse, republication, duplication, or derivative work is authorized.

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by Seth » Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:56 am

Făkünamę wrote:
MrJonno wrote:
I'da put them on the ground, one way or another. Either voluntarily or with extreme prejudice.
I would have given them my wallet because I'm not a complete moron and actually have some control over my hormones
I would've gone all Jackie Chan on their punk asses.
If you can, then by all means do so. A pistol is much easier to learn and much more effective from a distance. The rule is you never, ever let anyone with a knife come closer than 21 feet before you shoot him. This is what the police are trained to do, and they do it all the time because they know that closer than 21 feet the thug can run at you and still kill you even after you've fatally shot him.
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

© 2013/2014/2015/2016 Seth, all rights reserved. No reuse, republication, duplication, or derivative work is authorized.

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Re: Guns used for lawful self-defense Pt. 5

Post by Blind groper » Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:10 am


You do not need a gun to deal with burglars. As I told you before, I have a burglar alarm in my house, and remotes that contain an alarm button. Press that and the house screams, and lights flash, and no one can stand being there without both hands pressed over their ears. No burglar would hang around, both because of the pain of the noise and because they would know that the noise would attract too much outside attention. I would also be calling 111, although I agree with you the burglars will be long gone by the time the cops arrive. But no guns will be fired, and no one hurt, which is more than you can say for your personal and insane approach.

You boast that you can draw a concealed hand gun in 0.75 seconds. I do not believe you. At least not under realistic field conditions, which are very different to setting yourself up carefully for a speed test. Your video showed a guy, who is doubtless a champion at quick draw, and who is well prepared beforehand, with clothes loosened and gun ready, drawing in 1.5 seconds. If a person had a gun pointed at you and finger on the trigger, it would take a lot less than that time to move his finger 2 mm to send a bullet through your heart.

Finally, on anecdotes.
Let me see if I can get through to you.
Quack doctors use anecdotes as 'evidence' even though their practices are total bullshit. Someone like a homeopath will have lots of anecdotes because outcomes are variable. So the homeopath will say " Mrs Jones had your condition, and I gave her snake oil remedy X, and she got better within 3 days." Anyone intelligent will know that a person who is probably already recovering from an illness getting better in 3 days is no miracle. But idiots believe the homeopathic (basically sugar pill) remedy had 'cured' her.

In exactly the same way, you can cherry pick examples of things that happen that fit your version, fantastical though it is, of reality. There are a little over 200 cases a year (according to the FBI) where a citizen shoots a felon dead. At the same time, there are over 4,000 cases where two people argue and one pulls out a hand gun and murders the other.

If you pick anecdotes from the 200 per year, you will find enough anecdotes to fill this thread. And as a generalisation, it is bullshit. Weighed against the 4,000 deaths from hand guns from arguments, the 200 felon shootings become meaningless.

Anecdotes are dishonest, misleading, and utter crap. They are not presented by honest debaters as 'evidence'. If you use them, you are as dishonest and filled with bullshit as the quacks who use exactly the same technique to promote their fraudulent 'remedies'.

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